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Búsqueda por autor: Kraus, John Daniel, 1910-2004.
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Antennas for all applications

John D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka.

3rd ed.

New York : McGraw-Hill, ©2002.

xviii, 938 págs. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.

ISBN: 0072321032 (alk. paper), 0071122400 (International ed.)

Resumen: This is an exciting revision of John Kraus' classic book Antennas, which has been long known as the "Antenna Bible". A new co-author, Ronald Marhefka has joined the author team for this revison. Many new, modern applications have been added-thus the title change to Antennas with All Applications. As well, the references have been updated to include recent additons to the literature. Additionally, the book has been reorganized to make it more user-friendly for both students and professionals. The book now covers the fundamentals of various antennas and concepts in the first half of the book and then gets into more details on those same topics later in the book. This allows a one-semester course to just cover the fundamentals if desired, and a professional to focus on advanced topics if he or she wants.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Registro 018198 · Modificado: 04/04/2016

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